Short-tempered Cats Use Physical Violence on People to Assert Their Position....
Is it true that some short-tempered domestic cats assert their dominance over their caretaker by using violence against them? Perhaps they do but I believe that we must be very careful when we assess...
View ArticleIt’s Easy to Provoke Aggressive Play in a Cat
It easy to provoke aggressive play in a cat and people should be aware of this and be aware of what they are getting into. I’m not saying that all cats will respond in the same way to a tease … please...
View ArticleAngry Cat Won’t Let Owner into Cupboard (video)
This is a video which I find disturbing. People seem to find it amusing. It is meant to be amusing but as I said I think it is disturbing. The way I see this video is not from the person’s … please...
View ArticleDo cats get mad at you?
Do cats get mad at you? This is another part-anthropomorphized cat question. It’s a question which touches upon human behavior which is inapplicable to domestic cats and which in turn makes it a bit...
View ArticleCat love bites – what do they mean and why do they happen?
I think that “love bites” is a slightly misleading description of what is happening. There’s not a lot of love in a cat bite although it is frequently done with only a touch of aggression (play...
View ArticleCommunity Cat Attacks Passing Men But Not Women. Why?
A Turkish community cat attacks men but not women. The video clearly shows this. People are scratching their heads as to why this happens. The cat is outside a market in Istanbul, the country’s largest...
View ArticleSenseless video of people provoking cats into aggression for the fun of it
Except for the first segment in this video, all the other cats have been provoked into aggression by the situation in which they find themselves as created by the videomaker. In other words the...
View ArticleWoman provokes her cat. Cat attacks woman’s face as she stands.
She persistently provokes her cat. I believe the cat was a stray cat that she adopted. The cat grows weary of having snow kicked into his face. I think she did it because the cat was bothering her dog....
View ArticleCat non-recognition aggression
I have discussed this before but I have not used the phrase ‘non-recognition aggression’. The interesting aspect of this form of feline behaviour is that the non-recognition is usually, and perhaps...
View ArticleNice cat attacked owner as he excitedly opened his Christmas present
On YouTube, there are 8,309 comments for this video and not one, that I can see, answers the question why this nice cat attacked his owner when he opened a Christmas present. They all make jokes about...
View ArticleLion attacks man during play
This man, who I believe owns a private zoo and who is playing with his “friendly” and “tame” lion, suddenly finds out that he has riled his lion while playing with him causing the big cat to turn on...
View ArticleHow to calm an angry cat
How do you calm an angry cat? The first thing to do is to remove yourself from the vicinity of the angry cat. Don’t force the issue. This action in itself will solve a lot of the problems to do …...
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